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South Arm Living History
a blog on the hidden places and history of South Arm, Tasmania

My South Arm...
Potter's Hill hasn’t been a reserve for very long and it was only while out walking one day in about 2009 that I discovered the reserve....

My South Arm
“In South Arm we measured so many hectares to the apple tree whereas down the Huon it was so many apple trees to the hectare.” Joan...

Mapping South Arm
Take a blank sheet of paper and a 2B pencil... collect a list of things that make South Arm special to you... apply a liberal dose of...

My South Arm
My name is Owen and I am going to give you some information on my Taxidermy animal. I found this animal under a power box, it appeared to...

The Mystery of the Hope
On April 27, 1827 the Hope left Sydney laden with passengers and 100 tons of cargo. During the evening of April 28 they picked up the...

South Arm "Sea Sparkles"
"Cold night Magic night Glowing water" 6 word memoir by Oscar Sometimes things that wouldn't cause a raised eyebrow in the normal run of...

Mapping South Arm
"....What makes South Arm special to you? Your family, your friends? Your home? The things you like to do? It might even be the way the...

My South Arm
I was fortunate to teach at South Arm Primary for 10 years from 2003 to 2012. I loved teaching there; in fact they were the best years of...

Beach life
"Waves crash on the beach Seagulls screech high in the sky Fish jump in the air" Haiku by Jack "Sea salt brushes Across my face" 6 word...

My South Arm
...But my favourite memories are of walking along South Arm Beach at night (it’s so flat and safe) and gazing up at the auroras dancing...
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