The boys who saved Christmas (Eve)

Christmas Eve
With friends
Water fight!
Six word memoir by Sheldon (12 years)
In 2014 there were many disappointed faces, both from kids and those kids at heart, upon hearing that Santa and his merry band of Firefighters wouldn't be doing the traditional Christmas Eve outing anymore.
Locals Dan and Will calmly decided to fill those big (fur-lined) shoes with their own watery event, a giant waterfight on Calverton Oval. A day before Christmas Eve they put up a poster in the South Arm shop inviting people to come along. They anticipated that maybe a handful of people would come. They didn't expect the hoard of over 100 kids who arrived ready for action.
So much fun was had that Dan and Will decided far more preparation was required for the next year's event. For three long days they filled over 1,500 water balloons. They thought they were ready.
Now the Christmas Eve water fight is fast becoming a South Arm tradition and each year promises to become better and better as Dan and Will, the boys who saved Christmas (Eve), devise new ways to ensure that if you don't go home wet on Christmas Eve it isn't really Christmas Eve!
Artwork by Lana, 11 years