South Arm time travel

If you know where to look, South Arm will give you tantalizing glimpses of times past.
Middens at Arm End speak of thousands of years of Aboriginal occupation while peeling wallpaper in abandoned cottages and sand-buffed bottles embossed with long-forgotten company names, half submerged in the sand, tell of history a little closer to hand.
Sometimes you are lucky enough to find something that seems to reach out to you across the years...
"When I was about seven I was playing at Hope Beach and I stumbled across an old gumbo pot which is old enough to be from the Hope shipwreck. We took it home to take a closer look at it. It was covered in rust and was made out of copper."
Anna, 11 years
making you think of lives that have passed before...
"Curiously, I found a small leather shoe. It was a child's shoe. It was an old shoe, beautifully crafted. Now dry and filled with sand, I turned it over and over in my hands until it had emptied. I left it in the sand on the back of the dune but it stays with me still and every now and again I wonder why and how it had come to that place."
Karryn, local resident
...serving as a reminder that today's lost things and castaways might in turn be discovered by someone some time in the future, causing them to stop a moment and wonder of the lives that have been lived here.